To be successful in sales one needs to build their personal Brand in conjunction with their company’s Brand. So what can you do to build your Brand? Here are ten tried and true actions to implement:

  1. Leverage the three “C’s” of Branding
    • Clarity, consistency and constancy
  2. Determine your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
    • Highlight what it is that you do that your competition doesn’t do, won’t do or can’t do
  3. Identify your target audience
    • Be specific about what an ideal customer looks like and is looking for
  4. Communicate early and often
    • Vary the message, the medium and the frequency
  5. Control your Google ranking
    • Leverage Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and key words
  6. Leverage social media
    • Especially LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter
  7. Be a networker
    • Give to get!
  8. Become a subject matter expert (SME)
    • Write articles, Blogs, Tweet, post comments, etc.
  9. Join industry associations, trade organizations, chambers
    • Be active by joining committees
  10. Establish a powerful presence
    • Appearance, posture, voice, words and body language

Once you have implemented some of these action items you’re ready to deliver a “killer” elevator pitch to customers and prospects alike. Here’s my suggested outline for your elevator pitch:

  • Who are you? (Name/Title)
  • What does your company do? (Products/Services)
  • Who do they do it for? (Profile your best clients)
  • How do your clients benefit? (Use metrics $, # or %)

Good luck!
