Epiphany Creative Services (ECS)
I want to thank you for taking the time to work with a very small company such as ours. In your mix of powerful players, it’s not often a professional will consider investing in a young business. When we came to you, we were seeking to understand how better to sell in our services and offerings. After four sessions with you we learned much, much more.
It’s almost embarrassing to state what we did not know that we came to realize during our tenure with you. When an entrepreneur starts a business, or when a citizen hangs up their shingle, many times they have no idea how much they actually don’t know. In truth, more often than not, there is no real thought out strategy or game plan prior to opening their doors.
Through our brief times together, we tightened up our One Sheet, discovered an updated and appropriate proposal format, learned about selling cycles and the success formula, (which was invaluable to say the least,) began to finally craft a theme and strategy for when we do have the opportunity to present to prospects, and, learned to acquire and leverage measureables in addition to requesting feedback at all levels of interaction.
All of these new wonders are being carefully and routinely now shared with the entire team. It has truly energized them to know Epiphany is not just floundering or hovering in the business space, but a company with a real and actual road map with viable goals and objectives in addition to a much clearer message.